
Social Media is Bad

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat! What can you do on all these things? Well, all these apps also known as social media, are websites where you could take videos, pictures, and text on about anything. It is bad for society because first it affects and harms our brain or get addicted. Second, if you’re a student it negatively affects your school learning. Third, is bullying online which is called cyberbullying and it is illegal!

First, social media is affecting your brain. According to https://socialnetworking.procon.org/ social media is harming our brains because of dopamine which is a thing in your brain, that triggers when your brain enjoys something like drugs so social media actives dopamine every time you get a text or a like on your post. The reason why social media gives you dopamine is that when you get a like or text message it makes yourself feel good and what does dopamine does it makes you want to have more of that feeling. An example of this is, it gets you addicted to being on your social media all the time and not doing better stuff. Furthermore, social media will addict you so much that you can’t stop using it and have it all the time.

Second, people getting affected in school because of social media. https://socialnetworking.procon.org/ states students get lower grades because of social media by 20%. The reason why the students’ grades go lower is that they get distracted or use so much social media that they don’t study or do their homework. An example of this is a student might be doing homework and he gets a text message so he gets distracted or taking a test a can’t stop thinking about the post he posted a want to know if he got a like, dislike, or a comment. Furthermore, social media affects your grades and learning in school.

Third, bullies on social media. https://socialnetworking.procon.org/ talks about bullies on online, which are cyberbullies this type of bullies dislikes your post comment bad stuff and hate on you. The reason why cyberbullies at like this are because they are mad or sad about something so they take out on anyone. An example of this is a cyberbully might be mad about how they aren’t like you so he or she tries to get you down so they can feel better about themselves. Furthermore, over time cyberbullying was all over the place so they made it illegal.

While social media is bad for society, others may argue with a different point of view. According to https://socialnetworking.procon.org/ proves that social media can help people get jobs. The reason why social media can help people get jobs is that 96% of recruiters go on social media and posts for hiring. An example of this is people might need a job and doesn’t know anyone who can help them out. Furthermore, social media could still be bad but still have some good effects

These are the reasons why social media is bad! Social media addicts your brain to use it all the time every day. Another reason is that it affects your grades in school by not studying, doing your homework, and getting distracted in a test. Lastly, cyberbullying is the worst of them all because it is illegal for people to be bullying online. Also, these reasons all affect your brain in different ways. This is why social media is bad for society!


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